Cat T-Shirts & Apparel
There are two types of people in this world;
Those who love cats and those who think the entirefeline population is plotting against them. Yup, it’s true—and there’s no in-between. You either love ‘em or hate ‘em, and you can’t tell us otherwise! Yeah, love and hate are supposed to be similar emotions, but cats are more dividing than politics.
While Fido will always be man’s best friend, cats often seem to be your aloof pal who sits in the corner, usually high on a shelf, silentlyjudging you. Their big green eyes staring deep inside your soul is enough to make anyone get the heebie-jeebies.
But the moment you decide that you want nothing to do with the conniving felines, they quickly come down from their perch to nestle into your cheek and let out a big happypuuurrrr. How cute!
Cats are funny animals. From their adorable faces to their nutty nature, it’s hard not to fall in love with them. Unless, of course, they rip your brand new couch to shreds or play in your garden bed, leavingpaw prints all over the kitchen floor.
But even then, there’s no denying that cats are majorpussy magnets, so they are often quickly forgiven for all their evil destruction. Besides, that antique vase that they knocked over, you didn’t like itthat much, right??
Plus, if you’re like us and love to getbad and boozy (who doesn’t?), it’s *technically* notdrinking alone if your cat is with you. So forget big crowds, overpriced drinks, and creepy old dudes—get yourself a kitty and never drink out in public again! #Goals
Whether you’re new to the exciting (but crazy) world of cats or you’ve been afur baby mama for years, it goes without saying that cats are special —definitely notpurrfect, but special nonetheless.
Want torepresent your favorite frisky feline?Famous In Real Life’s got your back—but we’re sure you already knew that!
From the coolestmeowy Christmas mugs and happySaint Catrick’s Day tees to easy-breezyPAWS (cats are more land sharks than sea sharks, ya feel?) tanks and everything in between, we have everything you need to show your kitty pride! Ourcat-inspired apparel is so legit; you won’t just look fine—you’ll lookfeline fine!