Nerd Clothing You’ll Actually Want to Wear
We all know the stereotype: brilliant but overly awkward, unpopular, and the butt of many jokes for their super thick glasses, quirky braces, and arms full of books. Stereotypes aside, though, and we realize that what society has come to label ‘nerds’ are, in reality -- a force to be reckoned with.
And no, we’re not talking about “the Force” that gives a Jedi his power --sorry, nerds, didn’t mean to get your panties wet. What we mean is that despite what society has us believing, nerds are strong and powerful individuals with the ability to make a real difference in the world.
Just take a look at some of the bonafide ‘nerd’ tycoons. From Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos to Larry Page and Elon Musk. These nerds reign supreme in their fields, with a combined estimated network of over a cool $250 billion.
Yep, you read that right --billion, with a ‘B.’ The numbers alone prove it, so much so that the richest nerd of them all, Bill Gates, famously cautioned, “Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.”
That said, other than holding quite a bit of power, is there really anything sexier than someone who isn’t afraid to embrace their true dorky self? Back in the day, it used to be that the ladies would overlook the nerds for the obviously gorgeous athletes, but now they know that underneath the bookish, normcore exteriors lurks the much-desired nerd-hottie.
Sure, they might play a little too much Minecraft, get ahadron for science, or dream aboutblack holes and brighter days whenPluto was a planet. But analpha nerd will always work harder than anyone else to make sure you’re happy. Plus, seeing as they are so well-endowed with a big…brain, it’s nice to date a smarty who can get, err,physical. Just sayin’.
Here atFamous In Real Life, we’re celebrating nerds with our huge inventory of undeniably quirky yet brilliantly awesome apparel that’s so nerdy, even Einstein would approve.
Whether you’re looking to gift your favorite nerd a pair ofsocks adorned with aliens and UFOs, a breezyFlat Earth Society tank, or a comfy-cozypullover hoodie with plans to storm Area 51, your hotslice of nerd Pi is sure to appreciate the gesture.
Check out our inventory of nerd clothing today and get your geek on tomorrow. Just remember, whether you love it or hate it,science doesn’t care what you believe,period.