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Cinco De Mayo T-Shirts and Apparel

An entire holiday designated to tacos,booze, and moretacos? Yeah, sign us up!

Arguably the best holiday on the planet/solar system, Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May, for the Spanish impaired) isnot Mexican Independence Day—despite what many people might think.

Yup, it’s true. Cinco de Mayo is actually the day the Mexican Army won a shocking victory over the French Empire back in 1862. Not only does the holiday commemorate a great military victory, but it also celebrates Mexican unity in the face of overwhelming odds.

Well, at least that was theoriginal idea. Today, the colorful holiday is much more popular in the US of YAY than in Mehico (prob cuz American’s love any excuse to makepour choices anddrink). And while it’s nominally about honoring Mexican-American culture, let’s be honest, people—it’s Taco and Margarita Day as far as most of us are concerned.

In other words, it’s not a holiday to be taken too seriously. Much like its drunk Irish cousinSt. Patty’s Day, Cinco de Mayo is a good time for lots of laughs, lots of shots, and lots of good food.

Just instead of whiskey, corned beef, and cabbage, on Cinco deDrinko,we give intobeer pressure and take one too many shots oftequila, rock out with ourguac out, and stuff our faces with as manytacos as we possibly can. Mmmm, tacos!

So, what’s the best way to celebrate the beloved holiday, you ask? It’s simple, really. Just grab your amigos and go getsmashed. Cinco de Mayo is a day to getbad and boozy with the besties—just don’t forget tosupport your local bartender!

And while you’re at it, might as well stock up on a few (or a ton)Cinco de Mayo-inspired shirts. Whether you’re feeling SOextra, especiallyspicy, or just want everyone to know that thetequila made you do it, we have theperfect tee for you.

Why so muchbooze? Because no great story ever started with a salad (duhh). And have you ever had a margarita? Yeah, who doesn’tlove tequila with lime and asalty rim?

NoJuanever, that’s who!

Eat some tacos, take a shot, buy a shirt, and repeat. Happy Cinco, friends!
