St. Patrick’s Day
HappySt. Patty’s Day, fam! Time to don your best “Kiss me, I’m Irish” tees and whip out the sparklyfour-leaf clover headbands. Essentially like Valentine’s Day, but for those who prefer whiskey and bad decisions over roses and boxes of kittens, St. Patrick’s Day is hands-down the best holiday of the year.
What do you mean, why?! It’s a day designated to goodwhisky,pour choices, and, if you’re lucky,Irish yoga (wink, wink). Whether you’re hitting apub crawl and planning on gettingfit shaced, dressing upfancy-schmancy for the parade, or going to make it rain in the club, St. Patrick’s Day is a day when everyone andeverythingis Irish.
Your Italian bestie?Irish.
Thatkeg over there?Yeah, probably Irish.
Besides, what other holiday has mischievous little leprechauns and elusive pots of gold at the end ofrainbows?
Christmas? Nope. Thanksgiving? Nada. The 4th of July? No, sir...but we would definitely be interested in making these changes—have your people contact our people.
Oh, you don’t believe in leprechauns? Pffft, okay. Sorry you hate happiness and sunshine. The next thing you’ll tell us is that you don’t believe inunicorns. Or that whiskey is not thebreakfast of champions. Or that you’resober...
Look, call usold-fashioned, but we believe in the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day—and keeping that spirit in our hearts all year long. And if that spirit happens to be two inches tall and decked out ingreen, then we guess we believe in leprechauns.
And you should too. Not only are theymagically delicious (just kidding, don’t eat leprechauns), but if you catch one of the itty-bitty dudes, you can usually wager their freedom for a nice chunk of change: cha-ching! (You can totally use your new leprechaun bounty to buy moreslick t-shirts. It’s an investment in your (wardrobe) portfolio).
So, this St. Patrick’s Day, let’s all getbad and boozy (but just short of woozy), support ourlocal bartender (national heroes, let’s be real), find aleprechaun, and try to getlucky AF. And while we’re at it, let’s rock these awesome t-shirts fromFamous In Real Life.
Whether you’re livin’ thatpub life, have mixed drinks aboutfeelings, or are simply ready tostumble, we’ve got the perfect tee for you.